Flu season is on its way and you should take some action to keep your household healthy and safe for you and your loved ones. It is certainly not pleasant to be aching all over, sneezing, sniffling, coughing, and overall be miserable thanks to the flu. Fortunately for you, we have some smart tips on how to prevent this from happening to you by flu-proofing your house. By completing those, you will be able to stop germs at your doorstep.
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Tag: cleaning tips
Cleaning harmful pesticides from fruits and vegetables
Fruits are an important part of every balanced, healthy diet. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you probably know that they are grown with the help of pesticides. Unfortunately, those pesticides remain on the skin of the produce even after picking. It is important to remove those prior to eating any fruits and vegetables.
In this article, we will talk about which fruits and vegetables have more pesticides than others, what are the best ways in which you can remove them, and how to do that in the best, most efficient way.
Of course, buying organic produce is the easiest way to reduce the number of pesticides on your fruits, however, it can be cost-prohibitive to regularly buy organic produce. Lucky for you, all pesticides can be easily removed from the skin of your fruits and vegetables only using common household products.
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